Funny Things to Use as Miniatures

With the popularity of tabletop games on the rise, there are a lot more people looking for ways to improve their experience. One way is by painting miniatures! But, a big question is painting miniatures worth it? Is the investment of money and time going give me a valuable return? Honestly, it depends on you. But, but you won't know until you try, and there are many reasons you should take the first step to painting miniatures, especially if you play tabletop games, e.g., RPGs, DnD, Warhammer 40k, and more.

In this article, we will discuss reasons why you should paint more miniatures and have fun with it rather than being frustrated.

1. Tabletop games have become more popular in recent years

Tabletop games have become more popular in recent years, and people are getting into the gaming hobby at earlier ages. This is not only because tabletop gaming has become more popular, but also because there are now better tools to use for painting miniatures. With these tools, painting miniatures becomes much easier and more enjoyable.

Miniatures are a major part of a lot of tabletop hobby games.

There are many benefits to painting minis like having a game that looks cohesive and looking like you put time into it, which can lead to enjoying it more.

I will note that in recent times, stress is a huge factor in many people's' lives. Painting miniatures can be therapeutic. It helps relieve stress or anger by helping you focus on something else other than your troubles.

2. One way to improve your tabletop gaming experience is by painting miniatures

You may think painting miniatures is time consuming. And, it can be time consuming. However, one thing I've found useful is using the fewest paint colors as possible for my tabletop gaming miniatures. This forces me to work quickly–I'm not making a lot of color choices–and prevents me from spending too much time on any one piece.

It also helps prevents me from feeling too frustrated with painting because I don't have high expectations for how the miniature will look when I'm done.

I've found that painting miniatures can be a great way to take your mind off of everything else. Sometimes, after a long day of work, I need something mindless to do so that I can decompress before bed. Painting miniatures is perfect for this!

3. Painting miniatures can help you learn about colors, shapes, and textures as well as how they visually work together

Many people who paint miniatures for tabletop games do not enjoy the process of painting. If you are looking to get into the hobby, it is important that you understand why people paint their miniatures in the first place. It is something that takes time and patience, but can also be a lot of fun.

Painting miniatures for tabletop games can help you learn about colors, shapes, and textures as well as how to mix them together. When you are out in the woods or meadows taking pictures with your camera it is hard to see all of these things at once because they are so small. When you are painting miniatures you have an up close view of all these details which makes it much easier to understand them.

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Texture and contrast are important (and fun) to discover how to use in miniature painting.

Another advantage of painting miniatures is that you can bring out the details and textures on your figures. Doing this process will make it easy to understand how colors, shapes, and textures work together as well as what they look like in real life. From here you are able to take these concepts into other art forms, such as photography or drawing.

Painting is an art form that has been around thousands of years, and it will continue to be vital in our modeling and miniature hobby because it helps us learn about color mixing, shapes, textures, and much more. As long as you have patience and time painting miniatures can be a fun process that will help you learn.

4. Painting miniatures will also help you develop patience because it requires time and attention to detail

When you are painting miniatures, there are many different aspects that you need to be aware of before starting. These aspects can range from how neat or messy your paint job is, to what type of paint you choose to use.

One reason why people might not paint their miniatures is because it can be frustrating and time-consuming. However, painting miniatures will also help you develop patience because it requires time and attention to detail. You'll have to put your miniature down after every few minutes and let the paint dry in order to avoid bubbles and smudges. But when you finally finish your painting and realize how great it looks, this is when the pride and satisfaction sets in.

A related reason why you should paint miniatures for tabletop games is because it can help enhance your creative side. When painting, there are so many different things that you could create such as patterns or monster faces on the miniature's body. You have to be a little bit imaginative to come up with these ideas and then put them on your miniatures.

If you want to paint more miniatures for tabletop games but are unsure of where to start, there are many videos online that can help guide you through the process step by step. You might also have friends who enjoy painting their own tabletop game pieces as well so they could give you advice as well.

5. There's all that personal satisfaction that comes with creating something new and beautiful on your own!

Sure, you can find mass produced, pre-painted miniatures for a lot of games you play. You can even hire a commissioned miniature painter (like myself, a job that taught me a lot). But, there's a personal satisfaction that comes with creating something new and beautiful on your own!

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I painted this Warhammer model and there is none other like it.

With miniature painting, you can make a piece of art that is uniquely yours and isn't like any other artwork out there. When you paint a miniature, each one is an original and they are all going to be completely different.

It's fantastic! No two pieces of art will ever come out exactly alike because there might be slight differences in your own technique that happen from time to time (e.g., style). You'll have something special that was made by you alone. It is easy to paint figures with a simple google search and there are many tutorial videos on youtube. Or, you can check out some of our lessons and tips for miniature painting.


Painting miniatures for tabletop games can be a very rewarding and fulfilling hobby. With patience, dedication, and an open mind to try new things you will find that it is not only fun but also extremely satisfying when you finish your work of art.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today! Let us me know how I can help or if there any other questions in the comments below.

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